Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 16- March 20

Well, I think we are all slowly getting back healthy. I was glad to see almost everyone back at school. Hopefully, we will get a handle on everything that is going around. We are schedule to take pictures on March 16th. Students are welcome to bring a change of clothes, so they don't have to keep them on all day. There is also a field trip scheduled on March 27th to the State Museum. Once we get a better understanding of how the next few weeks are going to go, I will send you more information about chaperoning if we are still going. If we go, I will definitely need chaperones. I will keep you updated with any changes throughout the week.

Finish Module 4
Module D Newsletter Link
Test on Wednesday, March 18th
Begin Module 7 (Perimeter)
Assessment on Week 21 Math 4 Today on Monday, March 16th

1st/3rd Person
New vocabulary words

Social Studies
Battles of American Revolution: Battle of Sullivan's Island, Blockade of Charles Town, Battle of King's Mountain and Cowpens, Battle of Eutaw Springs,
People of American Revolution: Andrew Pickens, Thomas Sumter, Francis Marion, WIlliam Jasper,Kate Barry, Emily Geiger, Rebecca Motte, Patriot, Loyalist

American Revolution Study Buddy
American Revolution Box-It

Slow and Fast Land Changes
Words to Know: deposition, erosion, earthquake, glacier, landforms, landslide, plates, sand dunes, floods, droughts, volcano, and weathering.

Last but not least, I am sharing information about the Gator Games shirts. Gator games will be held on Friday, April 8th.

Upper Campus Gator Games T-Shirts on Sale

Gator Games Field Day is Wednesday, April 8.
No extra shirts will be available.

Please order in Parent Portal by Friday, March 20.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Week of March 9 - March 13

Well, another week is over. Thank you for all of the pencils!! I actually received so many donations, I didn't have a chance to write down who they from, but thank you for all of the donations. We definitely needed them, but we did start a new system this week. It's helping them keep up with their pencils more. On another note, I have been wiping down desks with Clorox wipes and spraying daily, so let's hope this keeps us clean. I try to make sure that hands are being washed or at least sanitized after blowing noses and/or sneezing.

Sneak-A-Peek this Week
Finish Module 4
Test on Tuesday, March 17th
Begin Module 7 (Perimeter)
Assessment on Week 21 Math 4 Today on Monday, March 16th

1st/3rd Person
Figurative Language (Quiz on Thursday, March 19th)
Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday, March 18th - I Survived

Social Studies
Battles and People of American Revolution

Slow and Fast Land Changes

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, March 12: bag lunch
  • Friday, March 13th: no school
  • Friday, March 20th: Spring pictures
  • Wednesday, March 25th: end of 3rd quarter 

Bell Ringers

Friday, February 28, 2020

Week of March 2nd-March 6th

Whew! This week has been a very challenging week for our class. There has been a positive change in our family as well. Our little hero has become a Big Sister. I have shared a picture below of Khloe and her baby brother, Cairo. Congratulations to Mrs. Brailsford and Khloe!! He's so handsome!!

On another thank note, you to Mrs. Littlejohn for sending in Lysol spray so we can keep those germs down. If anyone wants to donate pencils, that would be great. They have used the ones that I collected and apparently the ones I let them keep as well. Thank you in advance for the pencils. Also, please check bookbags for green folders that came home. Also, be sure to ask your hero whether or not they have headphones because our number has increased since last week. Lastly, thank you for supporting us throughout the year. I know this week is going to be a great week!!

Khloe and Baby Cairo

Ava shares her birthday bongos with the class.

Bell Ringer
Lea H.

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, March 2nd: Mother/Son Night at Surge 
  • Monday, March 2nd-6th: Read Across America Week No photo description available.

Sneak a Peek into Next Week

 Module 4, Lessons 5-8
Review previous skills (subtraction, place value, order of operations)

I Survived the American Revolution novel
Vocabulary Quiz on Friday, March 6th
Simile, Metaphor, and Personificatio
Working on Contrasts and Contradictions with Essays
Cause and Effect
1st and 3rd Person Point of View
Figurative Language
Main Idea

Slow and fast land changes
Explain how natural events (such as fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or floods) and human activities (such as farming, mining, or building) impact the environment.
Define problems caused by a natural event or human activity and design devices or solutions to reduce the impact on the environment.
determine how natural processes (including weathering, erosion, and gravity) shape Earth’s surface.

Social Studies
American Revolution
Battles and People of the American Revolution

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week of February 24- February 28

     This has been another great week at the Lake, though we have been inside for recess the past 4 days battling the cold, frigid temperatures. Thank you to Mrs. Emokpae and Mrs. Harvey for sending in boxes of tissue! We normally just get it from office, but with the weather, allergies, and colds, we have been running out pretty quickly. I've been reminding them to sanitize their hands as soon as they finish with their nose. Would you mind reiterating that as well? These bad cold germs are running wild at school.
     Also, I have some pictures from our presentation on S.C. State College. This was the school we researched for Black History Month. It was hard for me to choose presenters because most of my little heroes are very vocal, so names were pulled from the name cup and that's how we choose who presented. Thank you to Mrs. Santana for watching over the little heroes, making sure they get upstairs, and taking pictures for me!! That really helped out a lot! Please remind our little heroes to always be on their best behavior, we never know who's watching and we definitely want to leave a good impression to others. Our little superheroes (Aaliyah, Aditi, Ava, Caleb, Genesis, Jaden, Jhobe) did a great job!!
     Green folders came home Friday. I have been running into the problem of students not reading carefully. I'm sure most of you have had the chance to go through their graded papers by now and see what I am seeing.  Before they turn any papers in, I ask them to go back and check it and look over the questions and answers again, especially if I see a lot of careless errors, missing details, or rushed writing. Please tell them to take this opportunity to go back over their answers. I have watched a couple of them go back to their seats, sit for a few seconds, and turn the papers in anyway. They are rushing to finish and as we know, there's no reward for finishing early. None of the assignments I give are timed. I have started something new with social studies in which they have to write about the notes we took the day before. They know this and should be bringing their social studies notebooks home daily.
     Last but not least, I have quite a few students who do not have headphones. Most were broken on accident. When they do individual lessons or work, it's hard to concentrate when you have multiple people playing different lessons. With the size of the room, there's not enough space to send 6+ people to separate corners of the room. Would you mind checking to see if your little hero has headphones? I would greatly appreciate it. Well, I think that's all!! I'm looking forward to another great week at the Lake!!

Sneak Peek at Next Week
Please refer to last week's blog post for practice and study links.

Lessons 1-4  Quiz on Thursday, February 27th
Math Vocabulary  on Friday, February 28th
Words are in their math notebooks
Please review the Math 4 Today (We take quizzes on them as well.)

I Survived the American Revolution chapter book
We are reviewing skills while using the book. We read 2 chapters together at a time, discuss, complete the questions worksheet (homework) and complete a book study guide (one pager in class) on them. I do not allow them to take the book home, because I have some students who enjoy the book so much they would read ahead. They are not reading it by themselves, I have been informed that I make the book even more exciting, so I read and discuss it with them in class. We are working on figurative language and context clues. There will eventually be a figurative language quiz, not this week but next week.

Renewable and Nonrenewable resources
Slow and Fast Land Changes -fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods
Human impacts such as farming, mining, and building
Ways to reduce these impacts

Social Studies
American Revolution
Causes of American Revolution Quiz on Tuesday, February 25th
Declaration of Independence
The Constitution
Battles and People

Bell Ringers

Nicole R.

Joseph S.

Black History Presentation

Sunday, February 16, 2020

February 18th-February 21st

Superhero Families,

Green folders came home this weekend. There were no graded papers that came home this weekend but there should have been some pictures and invitation to the mother and son event. Thank you for all of the wonderful Valentine's Day gifts. I loved each and every one of them. During the week, we had some bell ringers and some celebrations. One of our celebrations involved our little hero, Jhobe, who won a wrestling medal last weekend. Jhobe connected the 7 Mindsets during his competition and came out with a win. Carson, our other little superhero, sadly was out sick for a few days with the flu. The awesome thing is he was still in learning mode while he was out and made the connection to what we had learned in social studies with this painting of the river that's named after the Lord Proprietor, Anthony Ashley Cooper. He was able to teach his mom everything we had discussed about Cooper during his doctor's visit. Awesome job guys!!! I was also able to catch some after pictures from the Biscuits and Books event!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!!


Cooper Painting Spotted by CARSON

Bell Ringers



Biscuits and Books

Image result for upcoming dates
  • Monday, February 17th: No School 
  • Tuesday, February 18th: Lake Shake Dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse on Decker Blvd. from 5:30-7:30 pm. Please come and enjoy dinner with your child's teachers and friends and bring the attached flyer for 10% off your bill. 
  • Wednesday, February 19th: Lake Shake winner announced
  • Friday, February 21st: Interims issued via Parent Portal. 

Image result for upcoming curriculum

Begin Module 4 
Vocabulary to Know: 
  • Area (the amount of two-dimensional space in a bounded region) 
  • Area model (a model for multiplication that relates rectangular arrays to area, the measure of the inside of a shape)
  • Perimeter (a model for addition that relates arrays to perimeter, the border or outside of a shape) 
  • Square unit (a unit of area—specifically square centimeters, inches, feet, and meters) 
  • Tile (to cover a region without gaps or overlaps) 
  • Unit square (e.g., given a length unit, it is a 1 unit by 1 unit square)  
  • Whole number (an integer, i.e., a number without fractions or decimals)  
  • Array (a set of numbers or objects that follow a specific pattern: a matrix) 
  • Commutative property (e.g., rotate a rectangular array 90 degrees to demonstrate that factors in a multiplication sentence can switch places) 
  • Distribute (e.g., 2 × (3 + 4) = 2 × 3 + 2 × 4) 
  • Geometric shape (a two-dimensional object with a specific outline or form) 
  • Length (the straight-line distance between two points, how long something is)
  • Width (how wide something is)

We are reading I Survived the American Revolution together as a class. Compare and contrast the reader’s point of view to that of the narrator or a character. We will be working on daily classwork grades in reading and social studies throughout the reading. Some skills coming up this week are:
Cause and Effect
1st and 3rd Person Point of View
Figurative Language
Main Idea

Social Studies
American Revolution
Causes of the American Revolution: Tea Act, Stamp Act, Intolerable Act
The Constitution
Quiz on the Causes - Tuesday, February 25th

Quiz weathering, erosion, and deposition - Wednesday, February 19th
Slow and fast land changes
Explain how natural events (such as fires, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or floods) and human activities (such as farming, mining, or building) impact the environment.
Define problems caused by a natural event or human activity and design devices or solutions to reduce the impact on the environment.
determine how natural processes (including weathering, erosion, and gravity) shape Earth’s surface.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

February 10th- February 14th


I was glad to be back to school Wednesday after being home with the flu. I'm just getting back on my feet and getting everything back to normal. Next Friday is a 1/2 day and we are out on Monday. We will be exchanging Valentines and the class list is below. Make sure they have a Valentine for everyone if they are wanting to participate in the exchange. Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing your little superheroes this coming week.

Mrs, Rojas

Image result for valentines


Curriculum Corner
Remember to refer to previous blogs and Google Classroom for study material.

Work on TDA 
Nacho and Lolita test on Thursday (February 13th)

Continue quizzes on times tables
Math 4 Today
Finish Module 3
Test on Wednesday, February 12th
Vocabulary Check on Wednesday (words will be in Math Google Classroom on Monday)
Begin Module 4
Geometry (rhombus, rectangle, square, other quadrilaterals)


Social Studies
Tea Act
Stamp Act
Intolerable Acts
The Constitution


Monday, February 10th: A bag lunch this day.

Monday February 10th-Friday, February 14th: Book Fair

Wednesday, February 12th: Biscuits and Books

Friday, February 14th: 1/2 Day -11:30 dismissal. If students would like to bring in a treat for their friends for Valentine's Day-they must include every student in the class. 

Monday, February 17th: No School

Caleb D.

Jhobe W.

Ava H.