Saturday, December 7, 2019

Week of December 9th - December 13th

Image result for holiday

Another week has flown by us. We have 2 weeks left before we are on our winter break. The kids have been working hard and I want them to finish December strong. We worked in small math groups on using tape diagrams and will be working on main idea and details. This week, we have Diamond Del. This is our in-house field trip on mining and stones. It goes with our unit on rocks. I am also looking for 2 parent volunteers if possible from 1:45-2:15. This will be to help Diamond Del with the sales. If you are able to help, please send me an email. Students are allowed to bring a few dollars to purchase items at the end of the presentation

This week, Mr. Williams, our principal came in and taught a class on the & Mindsets and AVID. Within the last 2 weeks, he has done this with every 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade class in the building. He really enjoyed and was enthusiastic when presenting. He was probably having flashbacks to when he had his own class.

We are, also, working on our 1st service learning project. It is with the organization, Sistercare. Items we are collecting are school supplies, board games, wash cloths, bath towel, and paper towels. You are welcome to send in any of these items at anytime before the holiday break. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

Mr. Williams 

In our reading story, Dear Juno, we read about persimmon. Ava just happened to bring some to lunch and made a great connection!

Image result for sneak peek

Continue main idea/details, character trait, theme, inferences
"Dear Juno" test on Thursday, December 12th

Lessons 12-14 (rounding)
Quiz on Friday, December 13th
Begin Topic C

Diamond Del-Tuesday, December 10th
Soil and rocks

Social Studies
Explorer Box-It is in their social studies notebook
Explorers test - Wednesday, December 11th
Begin colonization

If you're looking for something to put you in the holiday spirit, come an watch the 2 Claras. I shared this with some of my students and they wanted me to share it with you. We were comparing it to The Nutcracker and this is where my daughter dances. The ticket link is: 2 Claras Ticket Link.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Week of Dec. 2nd - Dec. 6th

Welcome Back
Image result for winter holidays

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break!!  We are back to finish up the next three weeks and then we will be on break again. I like to play holiday music and work on different activities associated with the holidays. Please send me an email if this may cause problems for your little hero, so that I can find other activities to do.

Dear Juno story
Main Idea
Context Clues
Test on the story Dear Juno on Friday, June 6th
Dear Juno Activities
Dear Juno Quizlet

Module 2, Lessons 9-13
Quiz on lessons 9-11 on Thursday, December 5th
Module 2, Topic C, lessons 12-14 Newsletter

For Social Studies and Science Study help, please refer to the previous blogs.

Water Habitats
Begin unit on soil

Social Studies 
Explorers Box-it
Test on Tuesday, December 10th

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Week of Nov. 22nd- Nov. 26th

Image result for nutcracker

Well, another week bites the dust. Folders came home and some superhero bags came, too! I was going to wait until January to start the bags back up but the kids were dying to take them this weekend, so I didn't want to kill the momentum. 
Next week will be a very short week. Monday, they will take the science test on forest/rainforest. Refer to the previous post or the Science Google Classroom for study materials. Tuesday is our field trip to see The Nutcracker. We have asked the kids to dress up a little and be on their best behavior. I told them that I know some of them went to see The 2 Claras (which is an awesome show and my daughter performs in it), but the expectations are different. At the 2 Claras, we like for you to yell and scream for the dancers, but this is not the same behavior expected at the Nutcracker. We explained this was a formal event and went over some of the do's and dont's. We will not be eating lunch until we return later that day around 1, so please be sure to make them eat a fulfilling breakfast.
Since, this is a light week, get some rest. I will post news for the week after Thanksgiving on Tuesday.

This Week's Bell Ringers 

Joseph S.

Ansley A.

Joshua S.

Davin W.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Week of Nov. 15th - Nov. 22nd

First of all, congratulations to our chorus performance. The kids did an amazing job Thursday night. I get so amazed when they are able to put together such a powerful performance in the little amount of time. It was awesome and I am looking forward to hearing them perform again!

Secondly, this has been a crazy week. It has been "raining cats and dogs", which means we have spent a lot of time inside. The good this is most of them have latched onto Prodigy during this time. It is a math program that allows them to battle each other. Hopefully, we will not have as much rain this week. Keeping our fingers crossed. Just make sure to send them in warm jackets or coats!

Image result for text connections anchor charts
Making Connections (Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World)
Context Clues
Point of View
Main Idea
"Dear Juno" story

Image result for measurement 3rd grade anchor chart
Quiz on Module 2, lessons 1-5 on Wednesday, November 20th
Begin measurement (lessons 8-11)

Image result for rainforest anchor chart
Forest/Rainforest Test Friday, November 22nd

Forest Study Buddy
Words to know:
hibernation camouflage warning colors mimicry adaptation
carnivore herbivore omnivore predator prey
producer consumer decomposer food chain

Be able to tell:
Climate of a temperate forest and a tropical rainforest 
Layers of the rainforest
adaptations of temperate and tropical rainforest plants and animals
Which layer of the rainforest most animals live

Social Studies
Image result for sc explorers map

Explorers Study Buddy

Please know the following terms:
  • Which three countries the main groups of explorers were exploring for

  • Please know the following about these explorers: Hernando de Soto, Juan Pardo, Jean Ribault, William Hilton, Dr. Henry Woodward
    • The explorer’s motives for exploration
    • The land settled, or not settled
    • Permanent settlements created 

  • Term: “For King and Country”