Saturday, November 23, 2019

Week of Nov. 22nd- Nov. 26th

Image result for nutcracker

Well, another week bites the dust. Folders came home and some superhero bags came, too! I was going to wait until January to start the bags back up but the kids were dying to take them this weekend, so I didn't want to kill the momentum. 
Next week will be a very short week. Monday, they will take the science test on forest/rainforest. Refer to the previous post or the Science Google Classroom for study materials. Tuesday is our field trip to see The Nutcracker. We have asked the kids to dress up a little and be on their best behavior. I told them that I know some of them went to see The 2 Claras (which is an awesome show and my daughter performs in it), but the expectations are different. At the 2 Claras, we like for you to yell and scream for the dancers, but this is not the same behavior expected at the Nutcracker. We explained this was a formal event and went over some of the do's and dont's. We will not be eating lunch until we return later that day around 1, so please be sure to make them eat a fulfilling breakfast.
Since, this is a light week, get some rest. I will post news for the week after Thanksgiving on Tuesday.

This Week's Bell Ringers 

Joseph S.

Ansley A.

Joshua S.

Davin W.

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