Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week of November 8th - November 15th

Image result for november

We're well into the swing of November. I missed yesterday, but I know we had a great turnout for Veteran's Day. If anyone has any pictures they snapped, please send them to me so that I can share them. Hopefully, green folders made it home. There should be graded papers and a permission slip in them. It is the permission slip for the ballet, The Nutcracker. Please sign and send back on Monday. The balance of $22 is the remainder for this field trip as well as the ones we have left. This field trip is not $22 by iteself.
Also, our first quarter has ended and we're in the 2nd week of the 2nd nine weeks. If you noticed your little hero struggled on the place value test, please be sure to review it with them. I will be working with them in class one-on-one as well. Place value and their multiplication table are very important in some of the future math modules. If you have noticed, I have been putting pictures of our "Bell Ringers". These are students who are advancing on Xtra Math. Everyone you see here has gotten off addition and are working on subtraction, with the exception of Aditi who is on division. So, she has passed addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Bell Ringers







Crazy Socks Day

Practice with Fiction and Nonfiction

Image result for sneak peek

Thick/Thin Questions
Review of Dictionary skills
Context Clues
Text Features
Before, During, and After Questions
Making Connections
Read Earth Smart
Test Wednesday, November, 13


Image result for telling time
Telling Time
Time to 5 Minutes
Time to the Nearest Minute
Time Vocabulary Words
This first section is a review from last year.
Time quiz - Tuesday, November 12
This is the beginning of the 3rd grade module.
Module 2 (Lessons 1-4) Continuation of time
Module 2, Topic A Newsletter
Remember to check Google Classroom for resources.

Image result for forest and tropical rainforest

Quiz on Forest - Tuesday, November 12th
Will continue with Rainforest characteristics, climate, animals, plant, adaptations, food web
Test on forest/rainforest Friday, November 15
Link to Forest/Rainforest Box-It Review
Link to Forest and Rainforest Study stack
Remember to check Google Classroom for resources.

Words to know:
hibernation camouflage warning colors mimicry adaptation
carnivore herbivore omnivore predator prey
producer consumer decomposer food chain

Be able to tell:
Climate of both temperate forest and tropical rainforest
Layers of the rainforest
adaptations of temperate and tropical rainforest plants and animals
Which layer of the rainforest most animals live
food chains for both

Native Americans
Image result for south carolina native american

Cherokee, Catawba, Yemessee
Test Thursday, November 14th
Link to Native American Box-It
Link to Native American study stack
Remember to check Google Classroom for resources.

Know these vocabulary words:
  • Council Palisade Midden Mounds

Be able to tell:
Where each tribe lived
Jobs of men and women
What their homes were called and what they are made of
Their government (leaders)
About their food
Their nickname 
What they were known for making

We will begin explorers on Thursday. We will be learning about:
Hernando De Soto
Jean Ribault
Juan Pardo
William Hilton
Dr. Henry Woodward

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