Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of September 27 - October 4

Image result for gator groups

Well, we have ended another busy week. We read some awesome stories, they wrote some awesome endings to stories, learned about keeping their passions first, met with their 1st official Gator Groups, and 8 lucky heroes' names were drawn to take the Superhero Bags home for the weekend. I touched on this a little in our orientation, but there is a rubric and guide in each notebook that you can follow. Also, if you do not have access to a printer, please email me your picture(s) no later than 8 PM Sunday evening.
Finally, thank you all for coming to our conferences. I have enjoyed sharing information with you so that we can have a successful year. For those who have not made it or missed your conference, you can reschedule. I understand the hectic lives of being parents. One of the main things I shared with you all was the use of Khan Academy. Here is the link and the code: XWY39Y6A.

Class News


Image result for story elements
  • The story where the skills will come from is Stone Soup. 
  • Quizlet with vocabulary words -
  • Synonyms, prefixes, suffixes, visualizing
  • character traits
  • story elements
  • compare and contrast folktales to realistic fiction

Image result for division groups
  • Quiz on math vocabulary on Monday, September 30th
  • Module 1 Vocabulary
  • Quiz on lessons 11-13 on Tuesday, October 1st
  • Begin Topic E (lessons 14-17)
  • Quiz on Topic E on Friday, October 4th
  • Topic E Newsletter

Image result for grasslands

  • Finish grasslands this week. Test on grasslands October 2. 
  • Will begin desert/tundra on October 3rd.

Grassland Study Buddy
Words to know:
food chain
  • Be able to tell:
      adaptations of grassland plants and animals
    If something is harmful or helpful to the grassland
    If an organism is a producer, consumer, or decomposer 
             Make inferences, observations, and predictions 
  • Quizlet Grasslands
  • Grasslands studystack

Social Studies

Image result for south carolina regions
Regions of South Carolina
  • Identify the difference between human and physical features as well as explain population distribution. 
  • Regions: Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Sandhills, Inner and Outer Coastal Plains, and the Coastal Zone (physical features, natural resources and other key information of each)
  • Other key terms: Industries, Tourism, Economy, Population Distribution, & Migration.
  • Regions Studystack
  • Regions Quizlet


Lower Campus PE Shirt Orders Due Monday

Don't forget that PE Shirt orders are due Monday, September 30th!

This year’s shirt will be blue with green and white writing. Remember that this shirt counts as uniform dress. You have the option of ordering a t-shirt and/or a hooded sweatshirt.

All orders must be placed through Parent Portal by September 30th.

Go to student fees and click PE shirts and hoodies.

T-shirts are $10.00

Hooded Sweatshirts are $20.00

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week of September 20 - 27

Kindness Month
Image result for each kindness

"Kindness" month is almost over but let's hope kindness isn't. We have had an action packed week. This week each class had a guest reader come in, share a book on kindness, and have a discussion about the book and how it pertains to kindness. Carson was our class ambassador this week and was in charge of getting our reader to and from our classroom. Our reader was Ms. Heather, from our Later Gators program. She read one of my favorite books, Each Kindness. It's an awesome book and reinforces the importance of being kind and losing the moment. We may only get that one chance to do the right thing. If you haven't read it before, I have linked a video of a teacher reading it so you have a chance to enjoy this awesome story:
Thank you to Mrs. Bodrick and Mrs. Henrich for the donation of school supplies to the classroom!!

Also, green folders came home today with graded papers and your child's self-reflection.Please be sure to go over this with them and see how their week has gone. This reflection needs to signed and returned. The folders also included, a permission slip for our upcoming field trip, my schedule, and a paper for you to write your little superhero a note. This is only if you missed Orientation night. If you were there, you already have all of these items. The students whose parents were there wrote a letter to their child and the students have the letters in the covers of their binders. Please take the time to write a letter if you missed orientation. I told the kids this letter could serve multiple purposes. It can even be a pick-me-up on those days that ends up being "just one of THOSE days". Green folders, signed graded papers, and signed reflection sheets should come back to school on Monday. I use these grades on numerous occasions, as the foundation for my small groups. Lastly, we did not take our math quiz today. I was at a science workshop and by the time we got back, it was too chaotic to even think about giving a quiz. They will take it on Monday. 

Class News
Remember a good resource is Google Classroom. It will have resources, notes, and videos relating to our class content. The student must log onto Google, sign into Google email using their Richland 2 email and password. All technology should link except Zearn.

We will continue to work on the distributive but will move into Topic D with Lessons 11-14. A newsletter about this Topic is attached. The quiz for the distributive property will be Monday the 23rd, and Friday the 27th, we will take a quiz on lessons 11-14.

We will continue to work on prefixes, suffixes, and synonyms as well as folktales. Our story will be Stone Soup. We are also continue with our writing. I will start conferencing with students next week and giving our their reading lexiles. I started to send them home, but I really want to meet with them first so we can discuss their individual MAP goals.
Finally, next week, the superhero bags will start coming home. This will be a little mini-writing project for the students. About once every 3 weeks, they will bring a superhero bag home. I have a few requests when the bag comes home:
1) Allow the child to write. This is for them and to give them more practice in writing which will lead to them feeling more comfortable about writing.
2) Please remind them to take care of our class superheroes. I already have one with a broken arm because someone allowed their dog to play with it.
3) Follow the rubric. 
4) If you have any superheroes you are willing to donate, we will definitely add them to our writing mascots.

Superhero Writing Rubric

(Be sure to turn in your rough draft.)
Points Available
Point Earned
Entry 1 – Written from your point of view
Complete sentences

At least 3-5 sentences

Capitalization is correct (sentence and proper nouns)

Spelling (phonetically correct)

Grammar is correct

Entry 2 – Written from the Superhero’s point of view
Complete sentences

At least 3-5 sentences

Capitalization is correct (sentence and proper nouns)

Spelling (phonetically correct)

Grammar is correct


Turned in on time

Took care of Superhero

 Final Grade

Social Studies
Begin the 6 regions of South Carolina. They will have to identify the difference between human and physical features as well as explain population distribution. Our first region will be the Blue Ridge region. Then Piedmont, Sandhills, Inner and Outer Coastal Plains, and the Coastal Zone.

Finish grasslands this week. Test on grasslands October 1.