Saturday, September 14, 2019

Week of September 13 - September 20

Well, well.... we finished another action packed week. We are trying to get back on track from our super short week last week. I like to spend the first few weeks getting acclimated to being back in school, getting organized, and becoming familiar with class routines and practices. We have spent the last few weeks, prepping our notebooks, learning Chromebook log-ins, taking surveys, becoming familiar with some of our technology sites, and learning strategies of AVID and the 7 Mindsets. Whoo!!! We're trying to get these babies prepared and better organized.

We ended this week with our Disability Awareness Training stations. Each child went to 4 stations and experienced 4 different disabilities. Some of the stations included situations when students are wheelchair-bound, deaf, are unable to write, ADHD, and visual impairment. The kids learned a lot and there are pictures to follow some of their experiences below.

If you have had a chance to check your hero's notebooks, you have seen that we have already started taking notes. This is school-wide. I try to put the main points and study material in the notebooks, so they don't have to carry those heavy textbooks home unless necessary. They are good to use for supplemental studying. We will discuss these things during our Open House on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday. During this time, it will be general information for the school and class, if there are questions that are specific to your child, we will discuss them during the conference you have scheduled. Also, the presentation is geared more for the parents, the kids may get really bored and restless. I just wanted to give you a heads up, but we totally understand if you have to bring them. Hopefully, I will be able to drop mine off so he can go home, too. 😁

Last but not least, I have begin adding our class notes, supplemental study resources, and technology sites we use to our Google Classroom. When your child goes to Google, they have to login with their Richland 2 username and password. Once they have done this, they will go to Google Classroom ( and it should take them to their Google Classroom for school. Each of our subjects has a different class. This will be your go-to to use all year long.

Disability Awareness Training

Our First Day Jitters test will be on Monday, September 16. This week we will go into a new story but will continue to work on prefixes and suffixes. Our new story will be Stone Soup and we will work on the qualities of folktales, the skills to use when visualizing, and synonyms and antonyms. Hopefully, this week, we can begin bringing home our Superhero Writing bags as well. Here's the quizlet for the vocabulary: .

We took our second quiz and papers came home yesterday. We are working on building our confidence in math and reading carefully. We will continue to review the words: groups/rows of and number in group. This week, we will be working on the commutative and distributive properties. There will be a quiz on lessons 7-10 on Friday. Please refer to last week's blog for the math newsletter.

We will continue to work on the grasslands and test the following week. We will be moving into the desert biome afterwards.

Social Studies 
We are finishing up our unit on Geography and will be moving into the regions of South Carolina. Our geography test will be on Thursday, September 19th.

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