Saturday, October 26, 2019

Week of October 25 - November 1

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This week was busy, busy, busy week for us. We welcomed a teacher cadet from Blythewood High to our classroom. His name is Markel Samuel and he's a senior. We closed up our Boosterthon with a Fun Run on Friday. Thank you again to Mrs. Hensley for stepping in to help help with Boosterthon while I was out. I have attached the pictures she took from the Fun Run to this blog post.

Even though we had a lot going on this week, we had some fun learning experiences. Next week will be just as busy. November 1st, which is a 1/2 day, report cards will go home. Dismissal will be at 11:30. To prepare for our unit on rocks and minerals, if you have any empty 2 liter bottles, I need 3 for our upcoming units. Last but not least, let's forge ahead to an exciting and effort packed 2nd nine weeks. Full steam ahead!!

Introducing Our Teacher Cadet
I'm Markel Samuel and as a Teacher Cadet assistant, I am more than excited to begin these next 5 weeks with Ms. Rojas and her 3rd grade class. As a senior at Blythewood High School I am the team captain of the varsity boys basketball team, I’m a member of Blythewood’s Future Business Leaders of America Chapter, and I spend my time away from school at the YMCA as an after-school counselor. These next 5 weeks will be both enjoyable and adventurous. 

Bell Ringer
Congratulations to our 1st and 2nd Bell Ringer, Aditi. Aditi had the opportunity to ring the school celebratory bell because she was promoted from addition to subtraction in Xtra math. The second time she rang the bell was because she was promoted from subtraction in Xtra Math. Congratulations Aditi!

News for the Week 
Place Value - knowing the periods of numbers
Knowing where to place commas in numbers
Reading and writing large numbers in standard, written, and expanded  forms
Quiz on Monday, October 28th
Comparing Numbers
Test on Wednesday, October 30th on Place Value skills (listed above)
Rounding Numbers
Begin Module 2 - on Thursday

fiction versus nonfiction
character traits
What good readers do?
Frayer Model for vocabulary
Continue dictionary skills and synonyms
Earth Smart story (

Compare desert/tundra
Desert/Tundra Box-It
Desert and Tundra Quizlet
Test Wednesday, October 30
Begin Forest/Rainforest

Social Studies
Native Americans - Cherokee, Catawba, and Yemassee
Native Americans Box-It
Native Americans Quizlet
Test on Tuesday, November 5

Boosterthon Fun Run Pictures

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Week Of October 18 - October 25

Well, our first quarter is coming to an end!! And we have had our first field trip off-campus! Woohoo!! Thank you to Mrs. Rush, Mrs. Emokpae, Mrs. Hensley, and Mrs. Littlejohn. They braved the field trip with us this past Monday. The kids had fun and learned a lot. They were also able to show how smart they are and our tour guides were impressed with the responses they were giving.

Green folders came home with graded papers Thursday. Please remember to sign and return graded papers. Their "Reading with the Gamecock" form is due October 21st. Also, remember pictures are Wednesday and Boosterthon is Friday. If you have not had the chance to get pledges, there's still time. Be sure to check the sidebar on the blog for important upcoming dates.

Image result for sneak peek

Place Value - reading numbers to the hundred millions, knowing the periods, extended, expanded, word, and base ten forms, comparing and rounding numbers 
Quiz on Thursday - reading numbers to the hundred millions, knowing the periods, extended, expanded, word, and base ten forms

"Tales of a Trickster"
Review previous skills and work on summarizing and comparing/contrasting

Desert/Tundra test on Thursday

Social Studies
Cherokee, Catawaba, and Yemassee Native Americans

Camp Discovery Pics



Upper Campus Parent Reminder

All students arriving between 7:30 and 8:05 should be dropped off in the car line at the rear of the school where there are adult staff waiting to greet them and supervise their entrance.

After 8:05, all students must be walked in by an adult and signed in. Students are never to be dropped off in the front of the school.  

If you as a parent need to enter the building at anytime, your child may enter the front entrance with you but you will need to sign in at the kiosk. 

Thank you!

Boosterthon Weekend Challenge

Our Boosterthon Fun Run fundraiser is underway! Students now have a special WEEKEND CHALLENGE! If a student receives a total of $2 per lap in NEW pledges (or $60 in flat donations) over the weekend, they will receive a special #Boosterthon prize! Enter all pledges on FUNRUN.COM to qualify.

Pledge Update After Day 3:

  • PreK: Woodley $17 per lap 
  • Kindergarten: Tarlton $35 per lap 
  • 1st Grade: Berzins $71 per lap 
  • 2nd Grade: Richardson $40 per lap 
  • 3rd Grade: Crowell $26 per lap 
  • 4th Grade: Bright $46 per lap 
  • 5th Grade: Rosenberg $25 per lap

Thank you for your support of Boosterthon and Lake Carolina Elementary!

Veterans Day Celebration

Our annual Veterans Day Celebration will be on Friday, November 8 at both campuses.  We invite active duty and veteran personnel to join us for breakfast and participate in a celebration. 

If your student has a deployed parent, please feel free to send a representative as we want to make sure we honor them as well. Service members, we would love for you to please wear your uniform.  

We look forward to celebrating Veterans Day with you!