Saturday, January 18, 2020

Week of January 20th-24th

The second quarter has just ended. We will incorporate a study skill this coming week if the library pockets I ordered come in. We have had some talks about study skills and quite a few of us are still trying to get into the routine of how to study. I'm totally old school and there has been research that proves writing things out helps your brain remember more. We will work on creating flash cards. I only bought enough pockets to do one subject but you are welcome to continue the practice in other notebooks as well. I will begin them with the social studies notebook.

I'm also attaching pictures pre-winter break. I'm trying to get back on the blog as before so you can start back referring to the weekly blog.

Dates to Remember:
  • No school Monday
  • Quarter 2 ended Friday, the 17th
  • Wednesday, January 22: Class and Club Pictures (please wear appropriate club attire for pics)
  • Friday, January 24: Report Cards Issue

Weekly Curriculum
Image result for say matter mean chart

Practice comparing and contrasting using a Venn's diagram. We will then take that information and write an essay. An example of the diagram is in the reading notebook. We will also work on a Say-Mean-Matter chart analyzing articles as well as reviewing character traits, fragments, complete sentences, S.T.E.A.L. chart (in reading notebook), main idea, and different perspectives.

Image result for variable 3rd grade

We will begin testing on multiplication facts on Tuesday, January 21st, starting with 0 and 1. These will be placed in the gradebook as classwork grades. You must make 100% on a family before moving to the next family. Quiz on Module 3, lessons 1-7 on Friday, January 24th.


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We will begin our unit on rocks. (minerals, sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, properties of rocks, Moh's Hardness Scale). Quiz planned for Friday, January 24th and test on Tuesday, January 28th.

Social Studies

Image result for colonial times

Colonial times continued. (Fundamental Constitution Laws, Anthony Ashley Cooper, immigrant groups, cash crops, Cherokee and Yemassee Wars, Stono Rebellion, and the Gullah culture). Test on Thursday, January 30th.

Pre-Winter Pics

Bell Ringers

Lea won a prize for her recycled art.

Winter Shenanigans

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